I have a set of 4 Sharp panels NU-JC370 (370W - 34V) and another set of 5 of these panels - so 9 in total.
Can I connect these to my MPPT250/60 in 2 strings?
It is unclear to me, if I MUST connect the same panels in identical strings, or if they may be unevenly distributed as long as the total Voltage/Wattage stays under the limits.
Make 3 parallel strings of 3 panels
But with 2 sets of MC4 Connectors, how would I connect 3 strings?
To one input you’ll use MC4 splitters.
As far as i know those 2 sets connect internally to one mppt, so it doesn’t matter how you connect your panels.
I can do that but I do not understand why I should.
Is it not much easier to connect one string of 4 and another of 5?
Why the third string, especially if I then have to use a splitter to form a string of 6??
Because the strings must be equal.
Ludo answered that.
The string of 5 will have a bigger voltage and will “dump” on the string of 4.
Kirchhoff’s laws.
Not a string of 6, 2 of 3.
So in the end, you will have 3 parallel strings of 3 panels in series. 3P3S.
Ahaaaa okay I will do it like that.
Thanks very much for the help!
The system is 7 plane hours away so I can only report back on it in February. So bear with me…