3.50~24 Modification ModbusTCP - volatile register for GridSetpoint ... what about mqtt

…is there a complementary topic for dbus-mqtt?
I am using …/settings/0/Settings/CGwacs/AcPowerSetPoint as topic on a frequent basis

Hi @hominidae ,

yes, I’m 99% sure its com.victronenergy.hub4 /Overrides/Setpoint.

See also: add register for hub4 setpoint override · victronenergy/dbus_modbustcp@e5d3cbb · GitHub

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thank you @mpvader for the fast response.
Yes, that topic does exist:

…however, I was under the assumption that hub4 is somewhat deprecated since the introduction of (D)ESS.

Hi again,

Hub4 as a marketing concept is, but the service with that name in Venus OS is not. :slight_smile:

For Multis & Quattros, normal ESS algorithm is in a service called hub4.

For RS product range, its not anymore (inverter itself takes care of it).

And when having DESS enabled you can’t do these setpoints yourself.

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Uhmmm…well, sort of, see: Grid-Setpoint at DESS - #17 by hominidae
I will test with the hub4 topic when I am back from travel…hopefully, setting a positive number will work as well here :wink:

@mpvader I tested to change the grid-setpoint via that topic using mqtt.
The new value does appear in the “N side of the topic tree” directly after writing via “W” …however, the value does not stick and gets reset to “null” shortly afterwards.

…tested with v3.50~25
Edit: I am running DESS = ON, but the normal setpoint would allow to be changed to smaller negative and even larger positive values while DESS is ON. So the behaviour of that topic/control is not the same?

Edit: OK, with DESS deactivated, this topic would “stick” and changes (writes/publish) to it would work, including ESS to follow. The original non-volatile register would remain unchanged.

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