2 Quattros connected in parallel

Good day, community. I have two 15kva connected in parallel, with AC1 and AC2 connected to Grid. I see when charging the quattro are taking 15kw however the load is 5kw and battery is charging at 3kw. is this normal? if not where is this power disappearing to?

Its way worse there is also solar coming in…

Confirming grid connection to ACin1 on bothe units? And acin2 on both units?
The quattro will connect to ac in1 as priority over ac2 in.

Diagnosis of that will require alot of testing.
The most common is poor current sharing in a parallel set up and one inverter is actually loading the other.

When they are inverting only do they current share well? (From dc measured with a clamp meter?)

Test ac lines with clamp meter as well. {Edited}

Why are both AC1 and AC2 connected to grid?
Both AC1 of Each Quatro should be connected to grid, but the AC2 in should be left for an independent AC source, like a generator.

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tong tester = Clamp meter?

Yes sorry. Clamp meter.

The grid available is three phase, i connected one phase to AC 1 and the second phase to AC2 in, i thought this will prevent overload to a single line. wouldn’t the quattros use both lines?

Should I be removing AC 2 in, and leave it for genset, my worry is overloading that line since the hose is on three phase.

The quattros will not use both ac inputs at the same time. They will either both use the acin1 (priority connect) or use ac2in.

Since they are in parrallel you set the input current limit to (80%of) the total for the phase they are installed on using the GX. You can always enable weak ac if it is a really poor connection.
That way the system will power assist from the battery for any load above that.

NB: none of this solves the missing KW of power you have there. That is another issue entirely.

Thank you, LX. If I understand you, should I then disconnect AC 2 in and only use AC1 in, or should I leave the c connection as is? I don’t have a Genset, so I used the second phase. However, both AC1 and AC2 have power.

Should i be using AC2 out as well or this will overload the AC1 in?

While there will be voltage at both terminals, the inverters will choose only one source (in your case phase) to connect and synchronise to.

It should be ok as long as you don’t have any wiring mix ups. In theory when phse on ac 1 has a blackout it could switch to the other phase if it was still live

AC 2 out shouldn’t overload the phase if the inout current is set correctly.
Have you worked through the three phase parrallel training and manuals?

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Thank you, this is really helpful; I had a good read of it and maybe my issue is configurations. A quick question, should I be enabling charger on both inverters (Master and Slave)?

Yes. The same programming on both.

I performed some testing on the AC in, from the grid i get 30A as opposed to what VRM is showing (60.8A), would this be due to the fact that both inverters are taking the Amps?, I could not test the DC lines, my meter does not have the functionality. What is another option to connect these two inverters without parallel configuration?

The other option is one on them each own phase, then you set them up 120° apart. So you back up 2 of the three phases.

For parrallel you half the amps in settings.

Do you have a need for 30kVa on one phase?

Yes, the load sometimes need more than 15KVA; when I had only one inverter, I used to have a lot of overload alarms.

I have now placed timers for the appliance that consumes the most; that way, they don’t overload the line.

I will look at the set-up for 120 degrees and see if it will be a solution for my problem of pulling more currents from the grid than the system needs.

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