Exceeding grid limit despite limit set at 25A

Hi LX, I’ve tried to set the limit om 10A as well. The system just doesn’t take the loads in front of the MP’s into account. When I put everything on ACout the peak shaving works flawless.

Yes I did update everything to the latest versions. No beta.

In the mean time I found this posting from @SmartVolt : Grid current limit exceeded with DESS and peakshaving on - #3 by SmartVolt And indeed that seems to work. Only problem is that when you have only loads on ACin configured in system setup, you won’t find the menu self-consumption from battery in ESS. So I went to system setup, said system has loads on both sides, went to ESS → self-consumption from battery, put in on all system loads. Now it works. After I went to system setup and putting it to loads only on ACin the menu item self-comsumption from battery disappeared again but it still works now.

Is this a bug?