
kurtinge avatar image
kurtinge suggested

"Time to full"

There are "Time to go" in VRM and "Time remaining" in the app.
Would be really nice to have "Time to full", when charging

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Sarah avatar image
Sarah commented

Depending on battery chemistry and varying charging profiles combined with battery age this would be quite a challenge !

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nicoloks avatar image
nicoloks commented

Couldn't this be something as simple as an average rate of charge over X period? Solar input will fluctuate, but DC DC or AC based charging should be pretty constant.

Something like a 1 minute average sampling charge values every 10 seconds or so would be better than nothing imho.

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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas commented

This might be attainable with node red and use the nr dashboard for the output display? Maybe I'll mess around with this later and see. It probably wouldn't be highly accurate but maybe I could pull the charging current and calculate that against the charging efficiency and the SOC. Some kind of confusing formula. If the charging current remains constant then the result would probably be somewhere close for lifepo4 but all bets are off for lead acid or agm, as the charging efficiency drops pretty rapidly as you get closer to full. Maybe worth a look though.

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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas commented

I did finally get around to creating a flow for node red dashboard for "time to full". After a little tinkering it seems to be working pretty consistently, at least with a steady charge current. If anyone is interested I could post something up maybe on GitHub after a bit more testing.

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Cool. May I suggest adding it on ? This saves it a gist on your GitHub and makes it relative easy to find for Node-RED users.

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maystrenko avatar image maystrenko commented ·

hi, how did your tests go, it would be great to see a publication on GitHub

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nicoloks avatar image
nicoloks commented

That sounds awesome!

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