What does the 4-element array returned by the stats consumption API mean?

I am using the VRM API node in Node Red to download the consumption stats.

The URL it generates is like: https://vrmapi.victronenergy.com/v2/installations/XXX/stats?type=custom&attributeCodes[]=consumption&type=custom&attributeCodes%5B%5D=consumption&...

(Note the type and attributeCodes are sent twice for some reason)

And the return format is not explained by the documentation.

I can see records[0].stats.consumption is an array of arrays. Each inner array has 4 numbers. I guess the first one is a Unix timestamp, but what do the other three numbers mean?

Can you report that as an issue here?

Documentation on the return format is located in the official VRM API documentation: VRM API documentation


Thanks for getting back to me. However, all the docs say is



Statistics for each data attribute.

There’s no explanation for the contents inside records