Using Power Control with charge current control assistant

I have a small generator (2.1KVa) supplying my multiplus 3000.
I use the Input Current Limit assistant to protect my generator from being overloaded so the multi+ assists the generator when the loads draw more than 8A.
I also have the Charge Current Control assistant configured so that the charge current is set to 90A when the generator is running.
Can anyone from Victron tell me if “Power Control” will over-ride the charge current control assistant during high load periods and reduce the charge current or if the Charge Current Control assistant setting takes priority?
TIA. Bob.

@bigbadbob76 Hello big bad bob… :grinning:…My understanding is that when an assistant is used to modify the behaviour of a function of the multiplus, the original function no longer exists.

Thanks Trevor. That ties in with what I thought was happening.
The assistant appears to set the actual charge current not the maximum charge current allowed so “power control” function does not work.
In another post I’m trying to teach DVCC to set the maximum charge current based on whether or not the generator is running. Hopefully that will work and I can get rid of the current control assistant that is causing me problems.