I have Venus OS large installed in Raspberry Pi. Is it possible to use the node red that runs in Venus to get data from other inverters such as SRNE?
You need to bring the data from the other inverters (SRNE) at Venus OS level.
Therefore you need a driver that will read those information from those inverters, through a serial port, for example.
Once you have those information (e.g. at d-bus level), then, I suppose, it will be easy to implement some functions inside NR to process / use it.
Similar with the Victron - Fronius relationship…
Take a look here: GitHub - victronenergy/dbus-fronius: Venus OS driver for Fronius PV Inverters as well as other Sunspec ModbusTCP compliant inverters
Also see that Victron has a Modbus client implemented on its OS.
Maybe you can use it to read the registers from SRNE from inside Venus OS.
Also take a look here: Has anyone tried to use SRNE (Modbus ?) communication protocol with MakeskyBlue, PowMR or EASUN SCCs ? | DIY Solar Power Forum
Just do some googling, plenty of people have managed to pull/push data via modbus to those devices, but enabling competitive devices to leverage the ecosystem is a bit beyond the community’s scope.