When you switch to the EV Charger graph, instead of “System Overview”, the tile to show the accumulated value does appear bellow the chart, and summarizes whatever date range you have selected (here: 36 kWh):
Switching to any other view - for example System Overview again - leaves this tile visible, but no longer updates its content according to the selected date range.
Stays like the last evaluation performed in EV Charger View. (Daily view again, Wattpilot still visible, saying 36 kWh)
I have written a Python-Extension for that. It even features automatic control of wattpilot based on available solar overhead and manual control through VRM-Knobs.
It will be part of a Code-Package, which i’m going to present / share soon ™ if you are interested in it.
With Fronius/Victron system, even with smart meter, wattpilot will not use excess to charge the car (it sees all production as excess, which doesn’t go into house or charge batteries )
Doesn’t really make sense to sell the wattpilot and get victron charger…
Wattpilot usually would query the available solar-overhead from the inverter.
Since the fronius inverter does not know about the battery / soc, that feature just doesn’t work anymore. It will crank up charging and the battery will kick in to support the charge.
With my extension, the “eco mode” can be set to 99 kW start (so it does nothing) and the cerbo will take over the orchestration of wattpilot to work properly, see here, medium green portion of consumption:
Fair point, but regardless of SOC, it should see what’s exported and should interpret battery charging as consumption (as per smart meter) so if I use 100% of power and no export, there should be no charging and should start when battery charging tapers off. Solar.web app reads correctly from the meter.