After installing a smartshunt as battery monitor, the frequent toggling between float/absorption and discharge state is solved, it now is still toggling, but between float/absorption and inactive.
Could you provide some background for this topic please? On its own it doesn’t make a lot of sense.
I had this problem that was mentioned several times in topics and some of the solutions mentioned by others was using a a Victron smartshunt as batterie monitor instead of the Multiplus 2 itself., thats all.
I installed a Multiplus 2 5000 50/70 with 4 pytes EBOX R4800 type c batteries and it toggled frequently between float/absoption and discharge. After installing a Smartshunt 500 A, after a couple of days, the problem disapeared and it toggels now between float/absoprtion and inactive, and I am very happy with the result.
this was without the smartshunt
Tnx, will follow up
Hi John, I looked into it. What do you think about removing it, because the batteries are isolated already with the couple of circuit breakers. In the last 30 day the max current was 42.4 amps.
There are more systems without this switch. The switch could be helpful, but under normal conditions not required.