unfortunately I can´t help - just upgraded as well today and here everything works after the upgrade so it´s not a general problem… maybe you can try to reboot the cerbo manually from gui (that´s what I did after the upgrade - but I didn´t check signal-k before rebooting the cerbo).
@Tigrecito reboot helped. SignalK brought everything to normal.
@nickdb no, I use Cerbo’s SignalK and have only installed NodeRed embedded package for SK. So no modification of SK, just Cerbo’s NoderRed is not used (disabled).
Update: this happens again. This time I have checked browsers console and this is the error message:
Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at wss://386077-signalk.proxyrelay9.victronenergy.com/signalk/v1/stream?serverevents=all&subscribe=none&sendMeta=all.
At the same time, it works from my Android phone with Chrome browser.
It may be related to web browser…