Set the minimum SOC through API

Hi - home-user with 3x Pelio batteries and Multiplus II
I want to control charging at night by setting the minimum SOC and “Grid current limit” (.e.g. not charge batteries when my car is charging).
I can read all setting of the system (using the API) but I see no way (except of course manually) to set these values …

Also tried MQTT explorer
But if I publish a new value it get changed back to the original after few seconds

Any help much appreciated

That is a read-only value iirc.
Look here:

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I publish this on N/xxxxxxxx/settings/0/Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/MinimumSocLimit
“max”: 100,
“min”: 0,
“value”: 81

But If I read the API the value remains 80%
“idSite”: 434674,
“timestamp”: 1725289795,
“Device”: “Gateway”,
“instance”: 0,
“idDataAttribute”: 334,
“description”: “ESS Minimum SOC (unless grid fails)”,
“formatWithUnit”: “%.1F %%”,
“dbusServiceType”: “settings”,
“dbusPath”: “/Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/MinimumSocLimit”,
“code”: “H4ms”,
“bitmask”: 0,
“formattedValue”: “80.0 %”,
“rawValue”: 80,
“id”: 35

Using POSTMAN I do see 81% coming in

It only increments in 5% chunks on the interfaces.

Isn’t the write being done by starting with a “W” ??
Meaning: W/cxxxxxxxxxxxx/settings/0/Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/MinimumSocLimit
I may be wrong, never used MQTT… If so, sorry…

With explorer you just have to paste in the json and push publish to that topic. Worked fine for me that route.

Altough an experienced IT-er MTTQ was completely new for me today.

Did the trick

Many thanks all
Saved my day :slight_smile:

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Keep in Mind, that there are two Soc Limits. (Plus one Readonly)

From the Naming I assume:

  • MinimumSocLimit: Soc Limit to use if grid disconnects
  • SocLimit: Soc Limit to use, while grid is present.
  • ActiveSocLimit (readonly): Soc Limit taking the above two, plus increments due to OperationMode “BatteryLife” into account.