Since 2021 a Victron Multiplus II 48/5000/70 + Cerbo GX with a BYD LVL LFP 15,3 kWh battery.
Recently changed the MPII to a Quatro II 48/5000/70 (same battery and Cerbo GX).
Grid is connected to AC IN 1.
Generator is connected to AC IN 2.
All electrical consumers linked to AC OUT 1.
AC OUT 2 is not in use.
Works in ESS mode.
The generator is an EV with AC output 230Vx16A but in VRM for safety reasons limited to 12A (in practice it delivers 228V x 11A).
There are still some issues* with the settings but we are trying to solve them.
- When the SoC in the battery is reached, the generator does not stop supplying power to the battery but starts to shuttle between consumers and the battery.
Temporarily solved by setting the SoC to 100% when starting the generator, manually stopping it at 80% and before stopping the generator and switching back to grid, setting the SoC back to the minimum desired SoC. - When consumption exceeds the 12A limit, the battery does not kick in but the wattage in the generator continues to increase (despite the set limit of 12A) and when 16A is exceeded (max. generator power), fortunately the overvoltage protection of the EV itself switches off charging from the EV-V2L.
Problem not yet solved. - Island function does not work with the Quatro II.
When there was no grid at the MPII, the AC PV inverter switched off (as required by law), after which the MPII sends a synchronous signal to the PV inverter, causing it to start up and continue to supply PV even if the grid is not available.
With the Quatro II, the PV inverter does not work when the generator is switched on => the AC PV inverter then continues to search for the grid. Apparently it does not receive a synchronous signal from the Q2.
Problem not yet solved.