Peak Shaving 5% hysteresis

Hi all,

Is there a way to change the 5% hysteresis in the Peak Shaving mode?

explanation :

When you have a large battery ( 100 kwh ) you have a lot of rest power for the winter.
BUT when we change the SOC to 70% ( for example ) , peak Shaving mode will go to 65% and then recharge battery and load from Grid,

when you have big battery you want to have more “peak shaving space” , so lets say 15% ( or custum adjustable )

When we have 3 days of no sun … we can go deaper in soc than the 5% histeresis

Is there a way to disable gird change battery after Peak shaving fail , or a number for that also , like for example 10% extra charge than.

OR is there a registery modbus address for this also? so we can change that via Home Assistant ?

Grid charging is money , solar is free :slight_smile:

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