Hello I am new to this forum and I am almost illiterate when it comes to electricity.
I live in a Van and it has a Victron Easy Solar İnverter.
If I understood the Data Sheet correctly, I should not see more than 28.8V charging using solar panels or connected to the grid via cable (Charger mode). While on Solar it never exceeds 28.8 but when I am on Charger it will slowly climb up to 28.8V and not stop there. I then have to turn off the input because I fear I might ruin my new batteries.
I bought this van used a year ago and the batteries went bad. The shop that installed my new batteries also told me that I should never exceed 28.8; if I see that it does, I should cut the power input. Is something wrong with my inverter or does it exceed 28.8V on the read-out because it charges the batteries with 28.8V and simultaneously runs my electronics from the grid power?
Hi @Enka
Depends on your battery type. Lead batteries usually use Temperature Compensation to increase Charge V when they’re cold (below 25degC). And reduce V when hot.
Lithiums are usually charged to a set V target.
You need to determine what your battery maker recommends, then check that your chargers are set to actually do that.
It’s really difficult to help out here without more information. Like the Easysolar models may come with a GX device and hook to the VRM Portal. Then could be accessed remotely with no dongle.
Your Easy has a Multiplus within. Does it have a Temperature probe attached to a battery? If not, then it’s likely that Temp Comp isn’t functioning. If it does, and it’s using a default gel charge algorithm, then for every 10degC below 25 you’ll see about 0.3V higher than the set 28.8V. This is normal, but then I’d be asking why the solar isn’t doing similar.
Maybe you can find someone locally with Victron experience? The website has all this in manuals and technical articles, but there’s a learning curve that you may not wish to traverse.
Well solar doesn’t do it I think because its not that cold when the sun comes out (in southern Turkey right now) but still not enough sun to charge my batteries. So while the sun is out I never see more than 26 ish ( my panels are clean).
I hook to the grid only at night when it’s def. below 25 degrees, so Temp Comp makes sense if it is a feature that comes built in with my device.
Other than Temp Comp , is there any reason why I would see more than 28.8v? Faulty device? Batterries already malfunctioning?