Hello. I really like new ui. But why it wont show all cell voltages like the old ui? i have 5 batteries with Jkbms and in old ui i can see all cell voltages.
I wonder the same thing. The main reason I used the remote console was to look up the cell voltages from the (JK-) BMS as they are not shown on the VRM. Please add them at least again to the (JK-)BMS data of the remote console, even better also to the VRM (perhaps as option). In my opinion the cell voltages are important for assessing the state of the battery, especially outside the flat part of the voltage diagram. Thank you. Will so long switch back to the old UI…
The Cell Voltages view in the UI is an addon brought by the serialbattery extension. The extension is updated to now work in gui-v2 as well, at least this works for me now.
So where exactly do you find the cell voltages in the new UI? In the classic UI “Cell voltages” is found under “SerialBattery” (is that what you mean with “serialbattery extension”?) between “Details” and “Alarms” (see screen shot). In my version of the new UI there is no “Cell voltages” between “Details” and "“Alarms” and not either anywhere else…
What version of serialbattery are You using? Maybe it needs an upgrade to a version that understands Gui-v2? Also note that the maintainer has changed, use the mr-manuel version.
Thanks a lot! That was it. After I updated the dbus-serialbattery driver from 1.3 to 1.5 the cell voltages (and more) were back.