Multiplus-II 48/3000 'winter - configuration'

I have bought 3 MP-II 48/3000 because of the low power consumption in ‘search mode’.
I have used them in a ‘summer configuration’ where they are connected as one phase, in parallel. And they have been working all summer :sunny: (Of course, I haven’t used search mode this summer).

Now I would like to configure it in a :snowflake:‘winter configuration’, for low power consumption.

:question:Can the 3 MP-II be set to work in 2 (or 3) independent groups that can be turned on and off as needed?
:question:Has anyone actually gotten ‘search mode’ to work?

Unfortunately, if you want to turn OFF 2 or 3 of the MP’s then they need to be reconfigured - so this is a semi-permanent change.
Using AES mode does work, and either in search mode or modified sine wave mode. For search to work, the power thresholds need to be carefully set. With 3 units in parallel, you may find the actual threshold is 3 times the value that you program.

Yes, I understand that it will require a reconfiguration :gear:

In a parallel configuration the three units is dependent of each other. But what about alone’-mode?

:closed_book:The manual list ‘parallel-‘, ‘phase-’ and ‘stand-alone-‘ mode.

Does this mean that they cannot function as three separate standalone units? :thinking:

If they are programmed as parrallel (even though they are three physically separate units) they are one in programming. If one unit switches off unexpectedly the system will assume there is a problem and shut down the entire system.

You have to set it up as stand alone in programming to be able to use it as a single unit switching separately to the others.
As stand alone if you want control each needs its own GX as well.

Yes, the question was how do I do exactly that. :slightly_smiling_face:

Is the only option to have an extra gx cerbo?

The mp-ii can’t run ‘stand alone’ alone :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

The solution :bulb:is simply, just configure the separate groups by turn off the MP(s) not
in the group.
After configuring the first group (in this case 2 MPs) turn it off and turn on the third MP and configure it as standalone.

:exclamation: remember a distinct name on each MP :exclamation: