For my Pylontech US5000 the MP2 ESS enters the sustain state at 20% SOC while the setup therefore shows 10 and 15% only. Voltage is still around 48,8 Volt and cells over 3,2 Volt. Additionally, there seems a hysteresis what is well above 20% to leave sustain state.
For my opinion, the discharge could go lower. Where are the menus to change this ?
Not sure on how to look up values from the ESS assistant. I remember the PC application VE-Configure with MK3 cable when I setup the values from above application. Do I have to stop the 2x3 bus configuration array to access each single MP2?
My venus is V3.01. I heard, the ESS values can be accessed over the VRM in the meantime?
That software is very far behind, I would consider updating the Venus.
You can pull the config over remote VRM and open it with VEConfigure, the only way to access assistant info.
Many Thanks to the Victron Experts. Following updates performed with success:
RS450 from 1.11 to 1.16
SmartShunt from 4.14 to 4.16
CerboGX from 30.1 to 3.41
The Cerbo update changed the protocol from http to https for the remote console. For this reason, old bookmarks became invalid and need to be changed to https. Above message is not very intuitive to understand how to solve. Reboot cannot help. Further, Mozilla considers the certificate as unsave and asks for exception. Probably the certificate is not intended for my local IP and I have to replace it myself.
Older Problem
Using Remote VE Configure in VRM downloads a file with rvsc extension.
VEConfig is not a QT Application and available for Windows only.
VEConfig shows up as VE_Configure_3 after invoking.
VEConfig is diffrent from VictronConnect, VEBusSystemConfigurator and VEBusQuickConfigurator what all cannot examine or change the ESS parameters.
If I start VE Config (VEConfigure3) it cannot open any files until a fake target is selected. After this it imports vsd and vsc files while VRM Remote VE Configure supplies a rvms file. If opening anyway, this error message appears:
VE Bus System Configurator opens the file but cannot display anything with the assistants.
MP2 updates from 4.92 to 5.52 are still pending. If possible, I like to solve above problems first.
Use ve quick configure or configurator to open the file.
Then select the square that represents your installation. This will then show the inverters and you can right click and choose the configure option which will open veconfigure. You can then select the assistant tab and show summary on the ESS assistant.
There are videos and manuals for these tools that shows you how to use them.
Sorry for not watching all of your YT Videos and not reading all PDF manuals and thanks for the hint with the right click context menu what did the job perfectly:
ESS1 with General tab shows a ticked “Enable Battery Monitor”. I have to disable this, as the Pylons come with own BMS what reports SOC by CAN. Further the capacity of 800 Ah is completely wrong. This should be the total capacity available for all MP2 together in the complete ESS and not per phase or per MP2.
ESS2 shows my inverter tab. I do not use PowerAssist and there is a selection between inverter shut-down on SOC (reported by CAN BMS?) or absolute voltage. This threshhold should be smaller than sustain threshold as it makes the MP2 to shut down completely to protect the battery? I do not use AES as the system is 24/7 in use.
ESS3 shows Charger setup. Battery type is selected correctly but Absorption and float are corrected for a 15s Pylon. I never used charging from grid as this is expensive and there are enough PV modules available. To avoid any charging from grid, it is possible to disable the MP2 charger with untick of “Enable charger”. I plan to do so to avoid purchasing any grid power if not overwritten by the CAN BMS.
ESS4 shows the ESS assistant itself. Summary displays the shown screen while “Start Assistant” enters the Menus to change the values. Further I need to save and upload all changes. Sustain voltage and cutoff voltage seems to be unchanged defaults what are too high for 15s Pylons. Battery capacity is shown too small. Possibly the dashboard SOC was completely wrong for this reason. There is a “Storage mode unchecked” what i did not find in any tab to setup and do not know what it is.
Assume all, I have to setup the ESS new for all 6 MP2 with corrected and equal values. Is there any method to copy the values from one device to the other 5? Thereby I take the opportunity to update the MP2 firmware to latest version and hope to get the system up soon again.
Obviously I have to adjust some values what improves the behaviour.
Again: Setup of all values in 6 assistants for 6 devices is prone for errors and might show unintentional differences. What is the suggested method to copy one setup to six devices in the array?
Thanks to all the experts the MP2 fw updates went through flawless including the assistants updates and its parameters. ESS seems working again. I have to examine the SOC behaviour in the next days and report again.
The problem seems to be solved. Today it was possible to discharge down to 11% without problem. There I stopped intentionally to avoid entering the night with discharged battery.
Some details are noticable:
Before parameter change the main discharge with flat voltage curve happened around 51 Volt. Now it is around 49 Volt. SOC 30% is at about 48,6V, 20%@48,2V and 11% at 47,9V. At 11% the single cells show 3,18 to 3,19 Volt what indicates SOC could go even lower.
For parameter change I disabled the Battery Monitor at the Configure General tab to use the Pylontech internal values. Further the capacity for ESS was only 1/6 from what it is really. This capacity is per ESS or per battery and not per MP2.
The low Bat LED at the MP2 are always off, even if voltage drops below 48V. Before, the low Bat LED of L1 Master lid too early probably because of diffrences in the ESS parameters.
Battery voltage in dashboard is obviously the MP2 meassured voltage while SOC is the Pylon calculated value. Dashboard displays now the voltage drop on my busbars betweeen battery and MP2 what is about 100mV/100Amp. E.g. at SOC30% charging with 100Amp gives 48,8V while discharging with 100Amp gives 48,6V. 100mV/100A gives 1mOhm what is a acceptable and hardly to improve for a busbar with several cables, lugs and connectors before and behind.
Assume all, the update was a good success. I simply didnt dare to do without the expert help. SOCs are now calculated more realistic and probably the pylons will adjust its SOC calibration again. I am going to wait some longer nights in autumn to discharge the battery completely to grid what allows comparison of external grid meter with Pylon Battery View capacity minus MP2 efficiency.
There is new meassured data available if somebody is interested:
ESS switches off, if the value from ESS->Active SOC Limit is reported by the Pylon CAN Interface. This value already changed from 15% to 5% and is now at 10% from wherever this is coming.
At switch off, all cells still have around 3,1 Volt with a maximum cell diffrence of only 10mV. For my opionion, this could be discharged down below 3V. However, probably the cell diffrences will increase. Posslibly ist also the ESS setup of 47V threshold what could be lowered therefore.
Asume the total capacity of 32 pcs US5000 is not 32 x 5000 = 160kWh. Datasheet gives a total capacity of 4,8kWh from wich are 4,56kWh usable. This gives a total of 146kWh available. Complete discharge with a constant power of 15.1 kW to grid caused a DC load of 16,3kW. This gives a Multiplus efficiency of 92,6%. Calibrated and verified grid counters counted a feed in of 140,5kWh. Regarding Multiplus efficiency, this makes 151,7 kWh of used discharge what is very close to the expected 146 kWh.