Hello admins,
Yesterday I’ve tried to verify the “Mute” feature of the forum.
I’ve muted the Other Languages section.
Today I am still receiving new messages from those categories.
See below.
More info…
When I mute the entire section Other Languages, it mutes the main section, the French section, the Spanish section, but NOT the German section…
All sections have messages inside, but it seems the German section wont mute when parent section is muted.
Works fine for me.
Deselect all Mute.
Go to Other Languages from the main page.
Mute it.
Then go on each subcategory: Spanish, German, French.
The German, on my case is not muted. It also looks different, with a banner on top.
I’ve cleaned the cache, tried Firefox and Chrome. Both up to date.
Attaching a small video to show the issue:
It’s a mystery. I can set mute and unmute (normal notifications) on the main parent category, and it is inherited on all the sub-categories, including German.
So it isn’t something I can reproduce myself.
Also works here as expected
I went ahead and muted individually all sections and subsections.
Let’s see what’s happening…
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