MaxChargeCurrent with node red


I can set the MaxChargeCurrent via the cerbo.

In mqqt I can see the value under


Now I am looking how I can set the value down with node red to protect the generator from overload when the batteries are charged and a large consumer starts.

Can someone tell me which node I can use to control this, with the ESS Charge Mode, for example, I can choose between 9 - ‘Keep batteries charged’ mode is enabled or 10 - Optimised mode w/o BatteryLife: self consumption, SoC at or above minimum SoC, but that’s not enough yet i nead them max A for charging

I trei node custom control MultiPlus II (276) /DC0/0/MaxcahrgCurrent but it is not the same like the value in the Cerbo

but it is not the same like

Couple of things.
From the GUI you are on a beta, always a good idea to mention that on a question.

You are modifying a custom node which writes directly to the inverter charger settings not the GX, iirc this may get overwritten.

To modify the DVCC parameter you can use the settings control node, venus settings, DVCC charge current.

You could also look at limiting the input AC current limit.