October 23, 2024, 10:03pm
As long as my Multiplus II 3 Phase system is on the Grid is shown nearly “correctly”. Since all my load is on the input side I would expect the AC Loads and my EVCS shown between Grid and Inverter
With Node Red I switch my Multiplus II to off, when my battery is on minimum SOC, my MPPT do not delivery enough solar and the Multiplus should not charge. This should minimize the standby power lose since I do not need the Multiplus when they should not charge or invert power.
Then GUI-V2 shows my grid as disconnected which is not correct. And the data from my EM24 gridmeter is not shown on the Grid part.
In VRM the details (Phase 1-3) from Grid are lost and are not shown
In GUI V1 everything is shown correctly. Including the single phase use.
(Matthijs Vader)
October 24, 2024, 4:49pm
Hi @Nicolai , thank you for the report, we’ll look into this
(Matthijs Vader)
November 7, 2024, 6:14pm
Hi @Nicolai , can you try with the v3.52~2 beta that is out per just now and let me know if that fixes this?
1 Like
@mpvader I have now updated v3.52~2
As soon as the Multiplus II are switched of the VRM loses the phase details for the grid phases
In Gui V2 the Grid details for the 3Phase are now shown.
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(Matthijs Vader)
November 7, 2024, 9:31pm
Perfect! From a gui-v2 point of view at least.
I’ve made a note to get vrm checked as well.
Thank you for the quick feedback.
1 Like
(Rob Meerwijk)
December 20, 2024, 12:43am
Possibly connected? All three recent issues.
During charging my 3-phase MPII 5000 system switches frequently to Passthru mode. There seems to be a relation between SoC and occurances. This starts to happen more often when the SoC increases. It can happen as often as 30 times per charging cycle.
When debugging this issue I used Node-RED for alarming me. I found that it happens when the connection with my external Grid Meter is lost. This is a CG-EM340. The grid meter works fine otherwise.
So I made an alarm in Node-RED for a frozen power …
Support needed
I’ve 2 EM24 connected in my system. 1 as main and the other one for the pv system. (both Modbus tcp )
Quite frequently the system goes into pass thru mode (MP only 3 green leds,
no blinking)
When I look in the device list the EM24 devices are seen some time ago.
When I reboot the cerbo, the devices appear again and system works ok. This until the next time the devices are disappearing again. As I don’t look that often, it could be that the system is quite some time in pass th…
I’ve got an off grid system with 2x Quattro 48/10000/140-2x100 inverters, connected to a Cerbo GX and BYD Premium LV batteries. I’ve seen the AC metering just disappear on a few occasions over the past month, always whilst the generator is running (triggered by the Cerbo based on SOC).
When in this state, the Quattro doesn’t seem to be aware of any AC input, so does not charge - or discharge - the batteries. It seems to just connect the generator to the loads without any interruption and you ca…
I have the same problem. Nothing is displayed in the GUI-V2 on the grid. Everything is displayed correctly in the GUI-V2 and in the VRM portal. Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong with me?