Cerbo GX loses Bluetooth functionality

The Cerbo GX loses the Bluetooth functionality when the surrounding temperature rise. It looks like it is hardware related, because it is the same with 3 different firmwares.
When the temperature rise (past noon), the Bleutooth LED goes down and the connected RuuviTags are lost connection in the display.

Reboot doesn’t help. Switching back to older firmware doesn’t help.
If i wait till it cools down in the evening or the next morning, it starts working back by itself. The blue LED goes flashing and the RuuviTags temperatures start showing up.
If I put a ventilator in front of it, whitin an hour it starts working again whitout doing anything else. No reboot required.

The problem occurs when the surrounding temperature hits between 31-35 degrees Celsius and started working again when it drops between 29-25 degrees Celsius.

The Cerbo GX is mounted on wood.
The Cerbo GX does not feels hot when the problem occurs.

Schermafbeelding 2024-09-03 141504

Do I have to send it back for warranty or are there suggestions?
I expect that the Cerbo GX should handle those temperatures!

What are the first four numbers of the serial number? This is a known issue with older cerbos that disable the internal radio based on heat, as such they need an external dongle for reliable BT. This does not happen on newer cerbos.

The serial is HQ22*******

the 4 digits after the HQ, 22 shows year of manufacture, next 2 is week of manufacture.

The week is than 06. Is 2022 the older with that problem?
Do you know what make/model/chipset of USB Bluetooth stick should work?
And if i put a USB Bluetooth stick in the Cerbo, do i need to disable the internal?

That is an affected unit, all up to 2207 were.
This is documented in the manual, as well as the recommended USB dongle to use for BT.


Many many thanks. I will try the Bluetooth dongle.

I have exactly the same issue my Ruuvi tags worked for 3 months now Cerbo Bluetooth is gone, unfortunately my Cerbo is fully loaded on the USB side so no option for a BT dongle can the USB socket take a multiple USB device?
And it’s working again this morning! Still going to pick up a hub and an external BT dongle.

It supports a USB hub, this is, iirc, also mentioned in the manual, but do some googling for this topic and it should point you to topics on the old forum archive where it was discussed previously.

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