From a early 3.50 beta:
Including the first preparations for configuring the VM-3P75CT to be measuring EV Chargers and Heatpumps
Can someone from Victron elaborate on the general idea what the added use cases of Energy meters will bring for benefits.
I’e will a heatpump type influence the future consumption predictions coupled with outside temperature? Will a EV Charger type be excluded from the prediction algorithm to not throw it off to much? Will they be visible in the VRM dashboard in due time when development work has gotten far enough?
Background for the question is that I currently have a EM24, I’ve been thinking of replacing it with Victrons own Energy meter and repurpose the EM24 to measure the ground heatpump - but I already measure the ground heatpumpt with a three phase Shelly so I know how much it draws.
The EM24 seems to be supported for the new types as both EV Charger as well as heatpump is listed as types of install on the EM24 but the shelly doesnt have anything other than ACLoad.
So I need some motivation to invest here