3.50~18 VRM Showing Stale Temps

Yesterday VRM went offline for a while for me and when the site came back I noticed my Temps were showing as not connected. Same for my fuel tank levels, reported via NEMA 2000. But on my Cerbo GX they are fine. I’m also not seeing my consumption, but I do see my solar. Here are some screenshots of what I’m seeing. I’m currently running 3.50~18 on my Cerbo. I did try rolling back to 3.50~15, but had the same result.

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I just noticed in the Victron Connect App I’m shown as offline, but in VRM realtime is working correctly. I tried rolling back to 3.50~15, but with the same results. I also tried to disconnect from VRM and add back with the same results.

I also noticed that two of my smart shunts are showing under devices as disconnected, but on the front page of VRM for my site they show the correct voltages. Also if I do a firmware update under Devices on VRM they show up correctly.

VRM just reloaded with a new version and now my temps and fuel levels are showing correctly.
