3.50~13 GUI-v2 Touch50 screen not switching off [Solved]

I have my Touch50 no longer switching off the screen after the 3.50~13 update.
Tried different settings like 1min, 30s, 10s - for “Display off time” no joy…

ok, so I think I understood.
I got an active notification, then screen will not turn off.
so maybe it is a feature to attrack attention. not sure if I would want it active if I’m not there for a week.

The difference in power consumption between no backlight and full backlight is, according with the documentation, 1 (one) W.
Pretty low, about 170W consumption over a week of full non-stop backlight.

agree, not a big power loss.

What is the behaviour for v1 GUI? There should be parity.