import QtQuick 1.1 import Qt.labs.components.native 1.0 import com.victron.velib 1.0 import "utils.js" as Utils PageStackWindow { id: rootWindow gpsConnected: gpsFix.value === 1 onCompletedChanged: checkAlarm() initialPage: PageMain {} property VeQuickItem gpsService: VeQuickItem { uid: "dbus/com.victronenergy.system/GpsService" } property VeQuickItem gpsFix: VeQuickItem { uid: Utils.path("dbus/", gpsService.value, "/Fix") } property bool completed: false property bool showAlert: NotificationCenter.alert property bool alarm: NotificationCenter.alarm property bool overviewsLoaded: defaultOverview.valid && generatorOverview.valid && mobileOverview.valid && startWithMenu.valid property string bindPrefix: "com.victronenergy.settings" property bool isNotificationPage: pageStack.currentPage && pageStack.currentPage.title === qsTr("Notifications") property bool isOverviewPage: pageStack.currentPage && pageStack.currentPage.model === overviewModel; property bool isOfflineFwUpdatePage: pageStack.currentPage && pageStack.currentPage.objectName === "offlineFwUpdatePage"; property string hubOverviewType: theSystem.systemType.valid ? withoutGridMeter.value === 1 ? "Hub" : theSystem.systemType.value : "" // Keep track of the current view (menu/overview) to show as default next time the // CCGX is restarted onIsOverviewPageChanged: startWithMenu.setValue(isOverviewPage ? 0 : 1) // Add the correct OverviewHub page onHubOverviewTypeChanged: { switch(hubOverviewType){ case "Hub": case "Hub-1": case "Hub-2": case "Hub-3": replaceOverview("OverviewGridParallel.qml", "OverviewHub.qml"); break; case "Hub-4": case "ESS": replaceOverview("OverviewHub.qml", "OverviewGridParallel.qml"); break; default: break; } // Workaround the QTBUG-17012 (only the first sentence in each case of Switch Statement can be executed) // by adding a return statement return } VBusItem { id: generatorOverview bind: "com.victronenergy.settings/Settings/Relay/Function" onValueChanged: extraOverview("OverviewGeneratorRelay.qml", value === 1) } VBusItem { id: fischerPandaGenOverview bind: "com.victronenergy.settings/Settings/Services/FischerPandaAutoStartStop" onValueChanged: extraOverview("OverviewGeneratorFp.qml", value === 1) } VBusItem { id: mobileOverview bind: "com.victronenergy.settings/Settings/Gui/MobileOverview" onValueChanged:{ extraOverview("OverviewMobile.qml", value === 1) } VBusItem { id: enhancedOverviewMobile bind: "com.victronenergy.settings/Settings/Gui/MobileOverviewEnhanced" onValueChanged:{ extraOverview("OverviewMobileEnhanced.qml", value === 1) } VBusItem { id: switchingOverview bind: "com.victronenergy.settings/Settings/Relay/Function" onValueChanged:{ extraOverview("OverviewPageSwitching.qml", value === 1) } VBusItem { id: startWithMenu bind: "com.victronenergy.settings/Settings/Gui/StartWithMenuView" } VBusItem { id: withoutGridMeter bind: "com.victronenergy.settings/Settings/CGwacs/RunWithoutGridMeter" } VBusItem { id: defaultOverview bind: "com.victronenergy.settings/Settings/Gui/DefaultOverview" } // Note: finding a firmware image on the storage device is error 4 for vrm storage // since it should not be used for logging. That fact is used here to determine if // there is a firmware image. Connections { target: storageEvents onVrmStorageError: { if (error === 4) { setTopPage(offlineFwUpdates) } } } onAlarmChanged: { if (completed) checkAlarm() } // always keep track of system information HubData { id: theSystem } // note: used for leaving the overviews as well function backToMainMenu() { pageStack.pop(initialPage); } Toast { id: toast transform: Scale { xScale: screen.scaleX yScale: screen.scaleY origin.x: toast.width / 2 origin.y: toast.height / 2 } } SignalToaster {} ToolbarHandlerPages { id: mainToolbarHandler isDefault: true } ToolBarLayout { id: mbTools height: parent.height Item { anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter anchors.left: mbTools.left height: mbTools.height width: 200 MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { if (pageStack.currentPage) pageStack.currentPage.toolbarHandler.leftAction(true) } } Row { anchors.centerIn: parent MbIcon { anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter iconId: pageStack.currentPage ? pageStack.currentPage.leftIcon : "" } Text { anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter text: pageStack.currentPage ? pageStack.currentPage.leftText : "" color: "white" font.bold: true font.pixelSize: 16 } } } MbIcon { id: centerScrollIndicator anchors { horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter verticalCenter: mbTools.verticalCenter } iconId: pageStack.currentPage ? pageStack.currentPage.scrollIndicator : "" } Item { anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter height: mbTools.height anchors.right: mbTools.right width: 200 MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { if (pageStack.currentPage) pageStack.currentPage.toolbarHandler.rightAction(true) } } Row { anchors.centerIn: parent MbIcon { iconId: pageStack.currentPage ? pageStack.currentPage.rightIcon : "" anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } Text { text: pageStack.currentPage ? pageStack.currentPage.rightText : "" anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter color: "white" font.bold: true font.pixelSize: 16 } } } } Component.onCompleted: { completed = true } ListModel { id: overviewModel ListElement { pageSource: "OverviewHub.qml" } ListElement { pageSource: "OverviewTiles.qml" } } Component { id: overviewComponent PageFlow { // Display default overview when loaded defaultIndex: getDefaultOverviewIndex() // Store the current overview page as default onCurrentIndexChanged: if (active) defaultOverview.setValue(overviewModel.get(currentIndex).pageSource.replace(".qml", "")) model: overviewModel } } // When all the related settings items are valid, show the overview page if was the last oppened page // before restarting Timer { interval: 2000 running: completed && overviewsLoaded && startWithMenu.valid onTriggered: if (startWithMenu.value === 0) showOverview() } function getDefaultOverviewIndex() { if(!defaultOverview.valid) return 0 for (var i = 0; i < overviewModel.count; i++){ if (overviewModel.get(i).pageSource.replace(".qml", "") === defaultOverview.value) { return i } } return 0 } Component { id: noticationsComponent PageNotifications {} } Component { id: offlineFwUpdates PageSettingsFirmwareOffline { checkOnCompleted: true} } // Add or remove extra overviews. for example, generator overview // shouldn't be shown if the start/stop functionality is not enabled. // Index parameter is optional, usefull to keep an order. function extraOverview(name, show, index) { var i = 0 if (show) { if (index !== undefined) { if (overviewModel.get(index).pageSource === name) return // First append the page overviewModel.append({"pageSource": name}) // Then move all the pages behind index overviewModel.move(index, overviewModel.count - 2, overviewModel.count - 2) } else { for (i = 0; i < overviewModel.count; i++) if (overviewModel.get(i).pageSource === name) // Don't append if already exists return overviewModel.append({"pageSource": name}) } } else { for (i = 0; i < overviewModel.count; i++) if (overviewModel.get(i).pageSource === name) overviewModel.remove(i) } } function replaceOverview(oldPage, newPage) { for (var i = 0; i < overviewModel.count; i++) if (overviewModel.get(i).pageSource === oldPage) overviewModel.get(i).pageSource = newPage } // Central mover for the ball animation on the overviews // Instead of using a timer per line, using a central one // reduces the CPU usage a little bit and makes the animations // smoother. Timer { id: mover property double pos: _counter / _loops property int _counter property int _loops: 13 interval: 100 running: true repeat: true onTriggered: if (_counter >= (_loops - 1)) _counter = 0; else _counter++ } // If an overview or notifications is active, the new page will replace it // instead to be pushed. This way we prevent an unwanted stackpage depth // increment everytime another page wants to be on top. function setTopPage(page) { if (isNotificationPage || isOverviewPage || isOfflineFwUpdatePage) rootWindow.pageStack.replace(page); else rootWindow.pageStack.push(page); } function spuriousKeyPress() { return !pageStack.currentPage || ! } function showOverview() { if (spuriousKeyPress() || isOverviewPage) return setTopPage(overviewComponent) } function showPageNotifications() { if (spuriousKeyPress() || isNotificationPage) return setTopPage(noticationsComponent) } function checkAlarm() { if (alarm) showPageNotifications() } }