
jusb avatar image
jusb asked

Orion Tr Smart 12/12 30a not Bulk Charging

I have just installed for a customer a Victron Orion Tr Smart 12/12 30A Charger to an RV.

We are charging 2 x 240ah LiFeP04 batteries in parallel.

There is also a Victron Smart Solar 100/30 Charge Controller connected in parallel.

The problem is that the Orion will not bulk charge at all, if I isolate the solar output and the Orion is left to do the bulk of the work.

I have checked the inputs from the vehicle and ensured the Orion will turn on to charge at the desired voltages. However it starts to charge - then displays a sudden drop in input voltage and stops charging. I have tried 2 different vehicles and monitored their voltage to confirm it is not actually dropping below the threshold.

If I turn on the Solar Charger it (the Solar Charger) immediately starts bulk charging (approx. 22A).

When the Solar Charger is doing the bulk charge the Orion will start working in absorption mode. But if left to do the bulk charge will keep cycling on and off.

It has the latest firmware V1.06.

Reading the threads it seems many are still having similar issues with this Orion Charger. Can you please advise how to rectify it?

I look forward to your response.

orion-tr smart
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3 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

"However it starts to charge - then displays a sudden drop in input voltage and stops charging."

This is a clue to your problem. If this input Voltage at the input terminals of the Orion drops too low, then the charger will stop charging.
You did mention that you had monitored the Voltage of two vehicles, but at which point of the vehicles wiring have you monitored this?
It is unlikely that the drop in Voltage that you are observing as displayed on the Orion is not real, you can confirm this by connecting a multimeter to the actual input terminals of the Orion. This way your multimeter and the Orion are both measuring Voltage at the same place.
If you observe a Voltage drop displayed on the multimeter too, then you can go and investigate the wiring to find the source of high resistance which is causing the high Voltage drop.
What size of wire are you using for the connections to the Orion?

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jusb avatar image
jusb answered ·

Hi Wkirby,

Thanks for your response. I appreciate that what you say - however I have tested by completely isolating the internal wiring of the van. I ran a 6mm2 cable 4m direct to the battery of the vehicle and direct into the input terminals of the Orion..... same result.

Yes - I know there will be VD of around 0.7V across that distance in that size cable - but it still should be enough to start and maintain the charging.

I did measure the voltage at the terminals and it does drop a little as you would expect.

As a side note I agree with other threads in that whilst I am impressed with some of the adjustable functionality of this charger for voltages - why cant we see any useful current figures.

A useful function in some circumstances would be to be able to limit the output current.

Issue still not solved I'm afraid.

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tschoeki avatar image tschoeki commented ·
@JusB Any updates on your side? I can also confirm this behavior of MPPT being in Bulk and Orion constantly being in Absorption.
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remibggx avatar image
remibggx answered ·

Any update on the topic? It seems that many people are facing the same issues.

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djsmiley avatar image djsmiley commented ·

Adjust the engine detect and input voltage lockout if needed.

I would set the start voltage to 13.4V or so to test, and input voltage lock at 10V.

Or just use the D+, so you're not depending on any voltage drop/detecting.

What is the wire size you're using? Victron recommends 10mm2 for up to 2m and 16mm2 for up to 10m...

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remibggx avatar image remibggx djsmiley commented ·
My main problem is actually that my Orion Tr Smart non isolated does not seem to draw sufficient power from the battery. Therefore I am barely charging with it...
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