
steve-scott avatar image
steve-scott asked

Mains AC-DC charger + Smartsolar MPPT 75/15 controller

I have a Mains AC-DC charger + Smartsolar MPPT 75/15 controller both connected to a Lithium 100Ah battery. The plan is to use PV when sunlight is available & mains charging other times.

Q: Do I need to isolate the MPPT when using the AC/DC mains charger? Or can both be simultaneously hardwired to battery? (Alternating between the two charging options as conditions permit).

MPPT Controllers
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btv128 avatar image btv128 commented ·
Did this work OK? I'm planning on doing the same thing. But I dont quite understand how having both chargers connected simultaniously doesn't cause issues.
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4 Answers
markus avatar image
markus answered ·

It is OK to have both chargers connected. So they share the "work" in case.



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Nickus de Vos avatar image
Nickus de Vos answered ·

I also want to do this.

If both are connected to the battery, won't there be a chance of over charging?

I'm thinking the AC mains charger being connected and simultaneously on a sunny day the Smart Solar also doing its thing.

Or is there a way to get a Smart Solar and AC charger to talk to each other?

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Rob Fijn avatar image
Rob Fijn answered ·

Hello, doing this you can think of that you want to use the sun as much as possible. If you have a Victron Multi/Quattro with a Victron MPPT, then you can do this very good with the ESS assistant. Works perfectly.

good luck with your project.
Just to let you know, I do this also: 12/800/35 MultiPlus, MPPT100/30, 2x PV panel, one LiFePO4 with BMS. In the day all works on the Sun, and the night from the grid. If grid fails... I have the battery.

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btv128 avatar image
btv128 answered ·

Did this work OK? I'm planning on doing the same thing. But I dont quite understand how having both chargers connected simultaniously doesn't cause issues.

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