
Meiring avatar image
Meiring asked

High ac input consumption on 10000va

We are running a client on ESS with AC out2 as not critical programmed, we are seeing a value of 2.5-3a/HR @230v the moment the input contact activate. This is a lot higher than the intended self consumption mentioned. We would like the know why this is. We do have a grid meter et112 installed set at 20w. The ccgx can't manage the drain from input below 450 w. Please assist,,,:setup 48/10000/100*2 & mppt 250/100/48 smart, bmv 700 -standard 500a shunt, ESS, ACout2 activated and de-activated with assistant. With vrm

input current
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3 Answers
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Meiring

Where exactly do you see / measure this current?
What is the VRM name / identifier?

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Meiring avatar image
Meiring answered ·

The current is measured on the main incomming AC from the utility.

There after sit a ET 112 to see and try prevent gridfeed since we are not allowed to feed back. The ccgx does not read this high however. You may ask my manager/direct or on my profile on the vrm site. It is under Koos Snyman, Parys South Africa. Kind regards and thank you for the feedback so far. Meiring

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Hi @Meiring

Ok, indeed on the grid-meter this current is not measured, so how do you measure this?

Do you thing the grid meter is faulty?

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kolfleading avatar image
kolfleading answered ·

This input current could be an indication of high reactive power and low power factor, it's not certain it is active power. As far as I know, the CCGX reports only the active power.

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