
phillan1 avatar image
phillan1 asked

No power at all, please help!!

Hi, I have a vitron power inverter with a Multipass compact unit. There is no power at all inside the camper van. The Multipass unit has a solid red alarm led and a solid amber charge led. I cannot even Bluetooth into the console. Absolutely no power, everything is down. I am using the same power cord as I used before. Also, when I start the camper van, engine running I also get no power, even the driver console is not working. Please help.

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2 Answers
netrange avatar image
netrange answered ·

Check the Power Connections AND Fuse in the + Cables ...

I think your Batterys are drained AND you have no Power Connection to your Generator

Is there a Power Switch or Relais for this Connection ?

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phillan1 avatar image
phillan1 answered ·

Hi netrange!!!


We are plugged in like we always have been. Sorry if I seem naive about this

Fuse in the cables? You mean the power cables that feed the side of the camper van? I checked those and didn't see any place for a fuse.

You asked if there is a power switch for this connection, you mean from our home that we are feeding power from??

Oh, so the power cables that feeds the camper van has a blue led on top.of the twist lock part. This is on solid blue. Does this help or does this mean my power coming into the camper van is good?

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