
ka1j avatar image
ka1j asked

Victron DC-DC Orion-Tr IP43 output purity

I have purchased a Victron 250/100-Tr controller. My battery info states:

- Absorption Voltage ** 14.70

- Float Voltage 13.50

- Equalization Voltage 16.20

My concern is the equalization voltage. I would like to power directly from the battery, a 12V Ham radio, its maximum voltage allowed is 15V. I am concerned the 16.2V seen during the equalization function will damage the radio. I want to have this function working as the controller sees fit.

I see this DC-DC converter Victron Energy Orion-Tr IP43 12/12-Volt 30 amp 360-Watt DC-DC Converter, Isolated And this smaller converter Victron Energy Orion-Tr IP43 12/12-Volt 18 amp 220-Watt DC-DC Converter

It looks like those IP43 DC-DC converters will accept those voltages and still give me a fixed DC output ideal for the radio. I need to know the waveform they generates and if it is a RFI noisemaker. If it's pulsed DC it won't work, & the same if it spews hash from the switching power supply. I've asked the company but this was ignored. The tech support where I bought the 250/100-Tr Converter has no idea.

If anyone has one of these units and a scope, I'd appreciate knowing what is going on regarding the purity of the output. The same question if someone has an Amateur or AM radio close-by to one of these in operation, I'd like to know about the RFI noticed, or not noticed. I hate to order something only to have to return it because it is something I should have avoided in the first place but couldn't tell till I get it on my bench.

Thank you.

orion-tr smart
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3 Answers
ka1j avatar image
ka1j answered ·

Nobody? I know it's a hassle for someone here to put one on a scope (assuming there's a scope available to an end user) but I really hate to order something only to return it if it is a RFI generator.

I chose Victron because it is well appreciated in the solar community but their lack of simple answers to specific tech questions disappoints me. Most everything I own has come with fantastic tech support with answers to simple questions. I find it less than stellar to find an apparent & lack of information when I ask for technological info with a company I am paying big money to regarding their products. I shouldn't have to ask their user community for info the company's tech support should readily give when asked. It's disappointing.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

We do our best as unpaid volunteers. But if we don't know...

A question like this is best addressed through the dealer network. You say the dealer tech support has no idea. They can and should refer the question back up the distribution network.

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Trevor Bird avatar image
Trevor Bird answered ·

@KA1J ….my advice is if you want to use any form of AM or SSB radio on the medium or HF bands, you will need to switch off the Orion. On my boat I have a Victron MPPT solar controller and an HF/amateur radio and prior to any receiving, the MPPT Controller has to be switched off and the fridge and the inverter must be switched off or the noise floor is so high absolutely no signals can be resolved.

The Orion will use similar switch mode techniques and we simply have to accept these days that RFI does not feature at all in an engineers criteria for a well designed circuit. RFI simply does not matter to anyone anymore apart from a couple strange characters like you and me.

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ka1j avatar image
ka1j answered ·

Hi Trevor,

You may be right that today RFI is not considered criteria for good engineering. I have to say I'm amazed and disappointed this seems to be true. Considering how so much technology is considered disposable, not repairable I'm not surprised. My 65" LG TV has burn-in on the screen. It is 1/3 more expensive to repair/replace the screen than to buy this year's TV version.

I've always striven for excellence and to create an electronic device that emits low RFI and rejects other poorly designed equipment's RFI is to me quality designing. I personally can't fathom how someone could design a piece of equipment that inherently needs filtering like these switching systems do and then ignore the interference a device creates, only fulfilling the most basic of requirements for type acceptance, and call it good engineering. Pitiful.

So many solar power systems are part of a function that also requires communication equipment. To not strive for excellence in all aspects including low RFI/EMI means that equipment will be a hindrance, not an asset. It's truly disappointing. I suppose it is a sign of the times; call it engineering devolution.

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Trevor Bird avatar image Trevor Bird commented ·
Quite right, consider cheap LED lights used in domestic houses. I have done checks on the interference of some of these devices which completely wipe out a VHF TV channel when they are installed- result, TV reception ok during the day until about 6pm and then no TV. TV reception comes back ok at about 11pm at night. These devices can wipe out reception for an entire street. No action taken by authorities to reduce the distribution of these devices. Broadband over power line technology was another culprit. Deliberately superimposing square waves on a power distribution system. I used to see it as vandalism of our MF and HF bands but now I have to accept that high noise floors is simply what we have to live with because RFI is simply not considered important.
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