
londonflatthing avatar image
londonflatthing asked

easyplus transfer current vs easyplus ii


I'm about to buy an easyplus / easyplus ii 48/5000...

I note one difference which intrigued me. The "old" easyplus has a 100A transfer switch vs the 50A of the Easyplus ii

is that correct? what's the reason for this? Does this mean that I should go for the "old" easyplus if I want a smooth experience where any ramp up in demand (e.g. electric oven) is handled without any potential gotchas?

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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @londonFlatThing,

You are correct in the sizing.

The reason is that 50A (~12 kW) was considered enough for nearly all of the applications that people would also want a 5 kVA inverter/charger. In most cases the AC supply wiring will be constrained before that limit.

If a larger load is likely to be attached, and a larger than 50A supply is available, it can also be done on a seperate circuit with an energy meter (rather than passing through the transfer switch).

In those cases though, larger loads are also more likely to want a larger inverter/charger as well (the 8 kVA MultiPlus-II has a 100A).

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