
stevem avatar image
stevem asked

Orion -Tr Smart DC-DC Charger Isolated vertical installation

Manual says mount on a vertical surface. Is there any reason why I shouldn't mount the unit on a horizontal surface? It would be much more convenient in my situation to mount it horizontally.

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

It relies on convection through the fins on the back for cooling. These units get quite hot if used hard. Best mount vertically with good airflow.

Another possible issue is water protection. From memory the IP rating only applies if mounted vertically with connections down.

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stevem avatar image
stevem answered ·

@kevgermany Thanks for your quick reply. Your point about cooling makes perfect sense and on that basis I will reconsider my installation. I hope water protection shouldn't be an issue. Many thanks.

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