
nickdb avatar image
nickdb asked

Ferrite chokes on CAN bus cables

Is there any value in a ferrite choke/sleeve on a CAN bus cable?

CAN uses a differential signal as I understand it.

So is it a good/bad/indifferent idea?

I have been having some weird BMS issues, which probably is just the BMS but I wanted to exhaust all avenues.

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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @nickdb,

I can only speak for my system, which uses quite some lengthy CAN-bus cables (N2K, VE.Can) in a noisy environment (Wifi, 4G/LTE, Ethernet, 1-30MHz shortwave, 144MHz-162MHz VHF, different computers running USB, HDMI etc) in a very tight environmentt (boat). So far I haven't experienced any interference affecting CAN-bus. It's running almost error free as far as I can tell, using N2KMeter to see details and quality.

However, I valued high-quality CAN bus cables (CAT5/CAT6) and made sure that the bus was properly terminated (measured).

edit: I should have mentioned that I'm using ferrite chokes on all USB cable connectors, Ethernet and HDMI cables.

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