
k2000 avatar image
k2000 asked

Orion TR Smart 12/12 Isolated charger not working

Hi, I recently had my van at the garage to have some bodywork repaired, when I got it back home, I discovered that the B2B charger wasn't working. Going back to the garage isn't an option, as it's some distance away.

I've checked the connections and fuse, nothing seems to be amiss and there are 14.4 volts across the input terminals. There's a small wire bridging the two green terminals. img-20220129-094718.jpgImage Caption

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orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

The small wire is factory fitted, can be replaced by an on off switch.

What would help is if you print off the readings from victron connect.

Why don't you think it's working?

Did they do any welding?

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k2000 avatar image k2000 commented ·
Neither the BT or power LEDs are on and I'm unable to connect to it via Victron Connect.
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mike-g avatar image
mike-g answered ·

Check that the euroblock holding the bridging wire on the remote terminal is fully seated and the wire itself is secure.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Also if that doesn't work, disconnect it completely for a few minutes. The connect the input side only. If that doesn't bring the lights on/work it's probably a dealer job. Could be the workshop did something to bust it. Like welding.
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