
jimj avatar image
jimj asked

Correct Input settings for Orion Smart Charger 24-12 20?

I plan to use the Torqeedo 24v x2 batteries to charge the 12V house bank using the Orion 'smart' charger 24-12 20A. As there will be no alternator (solar only), and after studying the manual, I believe the correct input settings are:

1. disable the engine detect (forced charge);

2. set the input voltage lock-out to 23V to ensure the Torqeedos do not shut down, which they will do if voltage falls to 21V.

So my question is "did I correctly understand the manual?"


orion-tr smart
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3 Answers
jimj avatar image
jimj answered ·

Thanks. That looks very promising. I didn't know about the demo library so thanks for that tip.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Lock out disables the charger, with your setting when input drops to 23V. But is 23V on the input side ok? Seems low.

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jimj avatar image jimj commented ·
The torqeedo 'final discharge voltage' is 21V at which point the battery shuts down but will become operable again after recharging above this level, according to the Torqeedo manual. But can the Orion smart charger input be set to this level? I think so, but I don't trust my own judgement! The manual suggests (to me) that it can be done.
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ jimj commented ·

I don't know the batteries, but 21V just sounds as if it's on the point of damage. 23V still a bit low for comfort. But as long as you follow the maker's specs, should be fine.

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @JImJ,

that should work. I just tried it on a 12V Orion smart with a low Lock-out value. As soon as it reached that value, the output gets deactivated aka stops charging. And as soon as voltage is above Restart value, the output is activated again.

For your 24V model you can try those settings from the demo library within VictronConnect app.

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