
francois-dekker avatar image
francois-dekker asked

MPPT 150/70 charge controller not providing expected power output

Hallo I have an MPPT 150/70 charge controller and struggel it is charging very low in the morning it starts high and degrade to about 53watt charging during the day

MPPT Controllers
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dolflombard avatar image dolflombard commented ·

Hi Francois

I now have the same problem that started since the last update on my Colour COntrol. My DVCC is switched on.

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4 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hallo Francois. If your mppt is holding it's voltage targets in Absorb and Float, then you're laughing. That's what a well designed & equipped system is designed to do. Once your batteries are full, then A falls away.

Watch your V. Is that okay?

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francois-dekker avatar image francois-dekker commented ·

Thanks Sorry I did not give you enough info.

I have an grid tie solar system. 1 x inverter that is 100 present grid tie(sun plug module)

then I got solar charge controller 150/70 connected to 4 x 200 ah AGM gel batteries that is connected to my 48/5000/70 victron multi. This system is also set up to do grid feed when batteries is full. On this stage the sunplug is working fine but for one reason or a nother the victron system stopped grid feed during the day. In the morning it kick of with a good grid feed at about 9am it start to scale down to 53 watt (normally giving about 3000 watt grid feed. then at 4 pm the system suddenly pick up speed and grid feed again.

The system was running good for years until this problem stated about a week ago.

I did not change any settings in that period it is an system self inflicted fault and I do not know how to fix it or where to start looking for the problem.?

Hope fully I gave you more info to work with this time , I am new at asking questions on the internet Thanks for helping.

Francois Dekker

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francois-dekker avatar image francois-dekker francois-dekker commented ·

This is how it is charging now but in an hour it loses grid feed on the 150/70 multyplus 48/5000/70 system.

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francois-dekker avatar image francois-dekker francois-dekker commented ·

now it is not grid feeding

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francois-dekker avatar image francois-dekker commented ·

This graph sows it grid feed in the morning and the afternoon

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graham avatar image
graham answered ·

francois Dekker I do not know what sort of batteries you have lead acid or lithiums but for the moment I will assume lead acid

Lead acids batteries do not take all the current that a charging source tries to push into them. Very simply when a battery is heavily discharged they take the current quite quickly and as they charge they slow down the amount of charge they will take.

As a simple example a battery discharged by 50Ah it will take 50A of charge and as its level of discharge decrease it will take less so that when it is down to 49Ah discharged it will take 49A and down to 20Ah discharged it will take 20A and so on all the way to full charge. Hope that helps

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francois-dekker avatar image francois-dekker commented ·

Thanks Sorry I did not give you enough info.

I have an grid tie solar system. 1 x inverter that is 100 present grid tie(sun plug module)

then I got solar charge controller 150/70 connected to 4 x 200 ah AGM gel batteries that is connected to my 48/5000/70 victron multi. This system is also set up to do grid feed when batteries is full. On this stage the sunplug is working fine but for one reason or a nother the victron system stopped grid feed during the day. In the morning it kick of with a good grid feed at about 9am it start to scale down to 53 watt (normally giving about 3000 watt grid feed. then at 4 pm the system suddenly pick up speed and grid feed again.

The system was running good for years until this problem stated about a week ago.

I did not change any settings in that period it is an system self inflicted fault and I do not know how to fix it or where to start looking for the problem.?

Hope fully I gave you more info to work with this time , I am new at asking questions on the internet Thanks for helping.

Francois Dekker

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francois-dekker avatar image
francois-dekker answered ·

I have got an solution to my problem if there is any one with the same problem. You have to switch on the DVCC function on your multiplus but it has to have V2.22 ve.bus firmware 422 or later and must be V1.29. also remember that ve.can solar chargers are not supported.


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ssykes avatar image
ssykes answered ·

I'm having a similar problem with the MPPT 150/70 only charging 50-60 watts.

I don't have DVCC enabled since my batteries are not connected CAN interconnected.

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